PYTHON [ Xerosploit – Open Source Toolkit For Man In The Middle Attacks ] - Intech Network

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PYTHON [ Xerosploit – Open Source Toolkit For Man In The Middle Attacks ]

Xerosploit – Open Source Toolkit For Man In The Middle Attacks

Xerosploit is a python-based toolkit for creating efficient Man In The Middle attacks which combines the power of bettercap and nmap. The interface is pretty easy to use. It allows you to scan your network and then generate the right attack for your victim. You can perform a JavaScript injection, sniffing, traffic-redirection, port-scanning, defacement of the websites the victim browses  or even a dos attack.

Xerosploit Installation

Xerosploit works with Ubuntu, Kali-Linux and Parrot OS. For the installation you have to clone the tool from its Github repository.

git clone

After that, run the installation file to get all the dependencies and tools.

cd xerosploit/ ./

Running Xerosploit

To run  Xerosploit simply use the following command.


You will immediately get the interface of the program with the network you are in.

You can then type ‘help’ to see all the commands you can use. From there you first type ‘scan’ to see all the devices in your network. Then you write down the ip of your victim and the tool will list all the available modules. Just select the attack you want to perform and that’s it, xerosploit gets the job done for you. For example, the ‘sniff’ option, will let you capture the data of the victim. You have to choose if you want It’s up to you to decide what exactly is your goal.

These are the available attacks you can perform.

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