CrackMapExec (a.k.a CME) is a post-exploitation tool that helps automate assessing the security of large
Active Directory networks. Built with stealth in mind, CME follows the
concept of "Living off the Land": abusing built-in Active Directory
features/protocols to achieve it's functionality and allowing it to
evade most endpoint protection/IDS/IPS solutions.
CME makes heavy use of the Impacket library (developed by @asolino) and the PowerSploit Toolkit (developed by @mattifestation) for working with network protocols and performing a variety of post-exploitation techniques.
Although meant to be used primarily for offensive purposes (e.g. red
teams), CME can be used by blue teams as well to assess account
privileges, find possible misconfigurations and simulate attack
CrackMapExec is developed by @byt3bl33d3r
* Install Python
* Download And Install Microsoft Visual C++ 9.0 is required. Get it from
* Open CMD And Type : pip install --user crackmapexec
positional arguments:
target The target IP(s), range(s), CIDR(s), hostname(s), FQDN(s) or file(s) containg a list of targets
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
-t THREADS Set how many concurrent threads to use (default: 100)
-id CRED_ID [CRED_ID ...]
Database credential ID(s) to use for authentication
Username(s) or file(s) containing usernames
-d DOMAIN Domain name
--local-auth Authenticate locally to each target
Password(s) or file(s) containing passwords
-H HASH [HASH ...] NTLM hash(es) or file(s) containing NTLM hashes
-M MODULE, --module MODULE
Payload module to use
Payload module options
-L, --list-modules List available modules
--show-options Display module options
--share SHARE Specify a share (default: C$)
--smb-port {139,445} SMB port (default: 445)
--mssql-port PORT MSSQL port (default: 1433)
--server {http,https}
Use the selected server (default: https)
--server-host HOST IP to bind the server to (default:
--server-port PORT Start the server on the specified port
--timeout TIMEOUT Max timeout in seconds of each thread (default: 20)
--gfail-limit LIMIT Max number of global failed login attempts
--ufail-limit LIMIT Max number of failed login attempts per username
--fail-limit LIMIT Max number of failed login attempts per host
--verbose Enable verbose output
Credential Gathering:
Options for gathering credentials
--sam Dump SAM hashes from target systems
--lsa Dump LSA secrets from target systems
--ntds {vss,drsuapi} Dump the NTDS.dit from target DCs using the specifed method
(drsuapi is the fastest)
--ntds-history Dump NTDS.dit password history
--ntds-pwdLastSet Shows the pwdLastSet attribute for each NTDS.dit account
--wdigest {enable,disable}
Creates/Deletes the 'UseLogonCredential' registry key enabling WDigest cred dumping on Windows >= 8.1
Options for Mapping/Enumerating
--shares Enumerate shares and access
--uac Checks UAC status
--sessions Enumerate active sessions
--disks Enumerate disks
--users Enumerate users
--rid-brute [MAX_RID]
Enumerate users by bruteforcing RID's (default: 4000)
--pass-pol Dump password policy
--lusers Enumerate logged on users
--wmi QUERY Issues the specified WMI query
--wmi-namespace NAMESPACE
WMI Namespace (default: //./root/cimv2)
Options for spidering shares
--spider [FOLDER] Folder to spider (default: root directory)
--content Enable file content searching
--exclude-dirs DIR_LIST
Directories to exclude from spidering
--pattern PATTERN [PATTERN ...]
Pattern(s) to search for in folders, filenames and file content
--regex REGEX [REGEX ...]
Regex(s) to search for in folders, filenames and file content
--depth DEPTH Spider recursion depth (default: 10)
Command Execution:
Options for executing commands
--exec-method {smbexec,wmiexec,atexec}
Method to execute the command. Ignored if in MSSQL mode (default: wmiexec)
--force-ps32 Force the PowerShell command to run in a 32-bit process
--no-output Do not retrieve command output
-x COMMAND Execute the specified command
-X PS_COMMAND Execute the specified PowerShell command
MSSQL Interaction:
Options for interacting with MSSQL DBs
--mssql Switches CME into MSSQL Mode. If credentials are provided will authenticate against all discovered MSSQL DBs
--mssql-query QUERY Execute the specifed query against the MSSQL DB
--mssql-auth {windows,normal}
MSSQL authentication type to use (default: windows)
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