PYTHON [ D0xK1t : Active reconaissance, information gathering and OSINT built in a portable web application ] - Intech Network

Ethical-Hacking & penetration testing & network security assessments


PYTHON [ D0xK1t : Active reconaissance, information gathering and OSINT built in a portable web application ]

Active reconaissance, information gathering and OSINT built in a portable web application
Build Status


  • Added YAML support for Dox
  • Added DNS Enumeration
  • Refactored code, added comments
  • Jinja filters for more intuitive interactions


  • Add webNmap function
  • Change screenshot / wallpaper
  • Cut down HTML templating

1.0 Introduction

  1. What is this?
D0xk1t is an open-source, self-hosted and easy to use OSINT and active reconaissance web application for penetration testers. Based off of the prior command-line script, D0xk1t is now fully capable of conducting reconaissance and penetration testing for security researchers who need a framework without the head-scratching.
  1. Is this a website / webapp ?
Yes and no. In essence, it is not a typical website. D0xk1t is self-hosted. There is no server stack, cloud-based service, SaaS, etc. that is holding it up. You can have the option of deploying D0xk1t on a local network, or deploying your own instance on any infrastructure / technology as you wish (although not recommended).
  1. Is this free ?
Yes. D0xk1t will forever be open-source. If you wish to contribute, you can make a fork, add any changes, and send a pull request on Github.
  1. How else can I develop on this?
I have created API endpoints, and more will be coming soon.

2.0 Features

  • Easy-to-build, risk-free installation
  • Simple Bootstrap Admin Dashboard
  • Deployable to the Internet
  • Serverless (at the moment)
  • Expansive to any OS

3.0 Installation

Since D0xk1t is self-hosted, it does not work immediately out-of-box. It is recommended that you use a virtualenv container due to the sheer number of dependencies that can run into conflict with your Python configuration.

3.1 Building

Lucky for you, there are two ways to build D0xk1t. The quick 'n easy way, and the manual way.
Quick 'n Easy Way:
 $ curl | sudo /bin/bash 
Manual Way:
$ git clone && cd D0xk1t
$ # Start virtualenv if you wish
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python

3.2 Configuration

Open Here, you will see all the environmental variables that the application utilizes. Three important fields you MUST be aware of if you plan to deploy to the web.

GOOGLEMAPS_API_KEY denotes the Google Maps API Key. This is essential for the GeoIP module. You can obtain it here and change the variable accordingly.
SECRET_KEY is the private key utilized by WTForm's CSRF protection feature. If deployed, change it to your liking.

3.3 Deployment

Once installed, run with python The application will run a first-time boot, and will then be accessible at
Of course, this is self-hosting on localhost. Although work-in-progress, D0xk1t will soon support hosting on a variety of SaaS and server stacks of your choice.
  • Heroku - TODO: build a Procfile, as well as bash scripts for automatic deployment
  • ngrok - TODO: build a script for deployment to ngrok

4.0 Modules

D0x Module

The D0x module is a comprehensive info-gathering database that enables the pentester to write "D0x", or a file that holds a collection of data of a certain target, or targets. Using this data, the tester will be able to effectively understand their target, which is a critical point in the attacker's kill chain. D0xing is usually deemed malicious and black-hat in nature. However, with the D0x module, we aim to help security researchers gain momentum when conducting in-the-field pentesting.
The D0x module does come with several features, improved upon based off of the prior revision.
  • Secure database support, with delete and export (as .csv) options

GeoIP Module

When working with metadata, IP addresses often pop up as a point-of-interest. Using Maxmind and Google Map's APIs, the GeoIP module aims to collect geolocation information on public IP addresses, in order to gather data on physical location during the reconaissance stage of the killchain.
  • Google Maps support for accurate GeoIP visualization
  • API endpoint support for command-liners or developers.

DNS Enumeration Module

Targets, whether it be a company or a person, may utilize domains in order to display web content. Domains, especially those that are not properly configured, give penetration testers great opportunity to gather sensitive information in the form of metadata, whether it be an address from a WHOIS lookup, or nameservers.

5.0 How to Contribute

Contributing is easy! Send a pull request if you feel that anything should be changed, removed, optimized, etc. Issues are also great for reporting bugs.


D0xk1t is distributed under a MIT License.

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